
時間:2024-01-16 10:33:37 作者:影視劇幕後花絮 熱度:影視劇幕後花絮
影視劇幕後花絮描述::今天給大家推薦幾本不錯的英文小說 文字簡單易懂 情節清新 讀起來 讓你的內心重獲平靜 No. 1 What Is Not Yours Is Not Yours (Helen Oyeyemi) 《不是你的就不是你的》 海倫歐葉密著 Keys are a recurring… 今天給大家推薦幾本不錯的英文小說 文字簡單易懂 情節清新 讀起來 讓你的內心重獲平靜 No. 1 What Is Not Yours Is Not Yours (Helen Oyeyemi) 《不是你的就不是你的》 海倫·歐葉密著 Keys are a recurring theme in Helen Oyeyemi's highly imaginative short story collection What Is Not Yours Is Not Yours — keys both metaphorical and literal that unlock magical diaries and clues and hearts. Every story in What Is Not Yours Is Not Yours feels like its own enchanting, intoxicating world; you'll certainly get lost in them. 在海倫·歐葉密的短篇科幻故事集《不是你的就不是你的》中,鑰匙是反復出現的主題,鑰匙既是比喻意也是字面意思,開啟了魔幻日記、線索和心靈。故事集中的每一篇故事仿佛是一個迷幻而且讓人陶醉的世界,你肯定會迷失其中。 No.2 Tender is the Night 《夜色溫柔》(菲茨杰拉德著) 本書是一部描寫關于愛情如何幻滅的復雜而有趣的書,描寫了對于富有夢幻色彩的理想追求直至破滅過程的故事。這部以夢幻破滅、人生頹敗為主題的愛情小說,是美國“迷惘的一代”作家菲茨杰拉德一部帶有自我體驗的文學作品,情節曲折,寓意深刻,隱含忽明忽暗的抒情幽傷,是“一戰”后美國“中產階級”精神生活的真實寫照。 本書為英文原版,讓讀者在感受原著風貌的同時,提升英語閱讀水平。 3. Animal Farm (George Orwell) 《動物莊園》 喬治奧威爾 "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others." 所有動物生來平等,但有些動物比其他動物更平等。 A farm is taken over by its overworked, mistreated animals. With flaming idealism and stirring slogans, they set out to create a paradise of progress, justice, and equality. Thus the stage is set for one of the most telling satiric fables ever penned--a razor-edged fairy tale for grown-ups that records the evolution from revolution against tyranny to a totalitarianism just as terrible. When Animal Farm was first published, Stalinist Russia was seen as its target. Today it is devastatingly clear that wherever and whenever freedom is attacked, under whatever banner, the cutting clarity and savage comedy of George Orwell's masterpiece have a meaning and message still ferociously fresh. 《動物莊園》是一部政治寓言體小說,故事描述了一場“動物主義”革命的醞釀、興起和最終蛻變。這是一部簡單又好看的小說,非常適合初學者們哈! No.4 Mrs Dalloway (Virginia Woolf) 《達洛衛夫人》弗吉尼亞·伍爾芙 If the most precious gift of the novel as a medium is the power it has to break into the prison of human consciousness, to expose the gossamer (蛛絲似的,纖細縹緲的) weave of thought and feeling and memory that makes up our innermost lives, then Woolf's fourth novel stands alone at the pinnacle(頂峰). Virginia Woolf made modernism live and breathe. 如果說這部小說作為媒介最天才之處在于其破除人類意識的囹圄、暴露人們那些構成內在世界的細若蛛絲的思緒、情感和記憶,那么伍爾芙的第四部小說就是孤立巔峰之作。弗吉尼亞讓現代主義煥發生命、鮮活起來。 5. To the Lighthouse (Virginia Woolf) 《到燈塔去》弗吉尼亞·伍爾芙 Another great book written by Virginia Woolf. Subtle, beautiful, staggeringly intelligent and flat-out original. A masterpiece of modernism, its stream-of-consciousness, richness of language and perceptions has continued to reveal itself. 這是另一部弗吉尼亞·伍爾芙的作品。細膩美妙、智慧驚人,極其新穎獨到。現代派的大師之作,運用意識流寫法,其語言豐富、觀察敏銳,不言自明。
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